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来源:基金 发布时间:2023-12-25 21:06:32 点击:59次
晓芳科技 > 基金 > > 现场直播用英语怎么说



The topic of this article is "How to say 'live broadcast' in English." In this article, we will explore various English expressions related to live broadcasts. These expressions include the translation of the term 'live broadcast' itself, related phrases, and specific words used in this context.

1. Live broadcast:

The term 'live broadcast' can be translated as "live broadcast" or "live streaming" in English. Both expressions convey the idea of a real-time transmission of an event or program.

2. Live TV broadcast:

To refer to a live broadcast on television, the term "live TV broadcast" is used. This expression emphasizes that the event or program is being broadcasted on television in real-time.

3. Live system:

When referring to the system or equipment used for live broadcasting, the term "live system" can be used. This expression indicates the technology and infrastructure required for transmitting live content.

4. On the air:

The phrase "on the air" is commonly used to indicate that a program or event is currently being broadcasted live. This expression is often used in radio broadcasting but can also be applied to other forms of live broadcasting.

5. Network broadcast:

For describing live broadcasts that are transmitted over the internet or a network, the term "network broadcast" can be used. This expression emphasizes the use of network infrastructure for transmitting live content.

6. Live stream:

The term "live stream" refers to the actual transmission of an event or program in real-time. It combines the word "live," indicating real-time, and "stream," indicating the flow of data.

7. Webcast:

A webcast refers to a live broadcast that is specifically transmitted over the internet. This term emphasizes the online nature of the broadcast and is often used for conferences, webinars, or online events.

8. Live programme:

A live programme is a term used to describe a program or event that is being broadcasted live. This expression is commonly used in the context of television or radio shows.

9. Live by:

The phrase "live by" can be used to describe someone's occupation or source of income. For example, "He lives by performing live music."

10. Live on:

The expression "live on" can have several meanings. It can refer to continuing to live or survive, as in "He lives on in our memories." It can also mean to rely on or subsist on, as in "She lives on a strict diet of fruits and vegetables."


In this article, we have explored various English expressions related to live broadcasts. These expressions include terms like live broadcast, live streaming, live TV broadcast, live system, on the air, network broadcast, live stream, webcast, live programme, live by, and live on. By understanding these expressions, you will be able to effectively communicate about live broadcasts in English.



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